ADAM Technology

News and Articles about 3DM Analyst and Photogrammetry

New View Rotation Option

A quick post to introduce the new view rotation option.

New Display Options — Scale and Compass

Builds 2241 and 2246 introduce scale and compass display options to make it easier to quickly see how big the scene is and which way it’s oriented.

New Rendering Option — Textured Wireframe mode

The new textured wireframe rendering mode introduced in Build 2236 makes it easier to see at a glace what the density of the surface model is without having to turn texturing off.

Enhanced Calibration Visualisation

In this post we look at the changes to the calibration visualisation introduced in Build 2232.

Disabling Images from the 3D View

A quick post to demonstrate the new method of disabling images in 3DM CalibCam.

Automatic RO Point Generation Improvements

Explaning the improvements and new settings for RO point generation added in Build 2167.

New File Formats — GENX

Introducing another of the new file formats — a project file for DTM Generator.

Single Point Digitising Dialog Improvements

A quick look at some of the enhancements to the Single Point Digitising dialog and Image Manager View in 3DM CalibCam.

New File Formats — DTMX

Introducing the first of the new file formats that we are migrating to and the reason for the change.

New Display Options — DTM Colourisation

3DM Analyst now has new colourised render modes for DTMs that show the height using colour.